Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Which DLC should I buy?

well, I have considered:The Knothole island for fable IIFallout 3 the pittThe sky is falling, mass effectLost and damned gtaIVRecommend any other, do not recommend versus mode (RE5) nor map packs.ThanksWhich DLC should I buy?
Lost and the Damned. It has the most content and will last you longer then any of the others. I also enjoyed the new missions and story arc.Which DLC should I buy?
If you like bikes and GTA, then Lost and Damned.
gears of war 2....2 new maps
I'm guessing you've played and enjoyed all four games so...I've played all the games and have the DLC you mentioned - they're all great additions to the games. Lost and Damned is the biggest bang for your buck though. It's got tons and tons of content.
If you are looking for the most bang for your buck Lost and Damned is your best choice. The Pitt for Fallout was fun but it isn't worth the 800 Micro. points
As a few people already said, Lost and Damned will give you the most ''bang for your buck''. Buy that.
Please use the Recommendation Sticky. Thanks!

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