Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Broken warranty seal....

How will a broken warranty seal be affected by the extended 3 year warranty, as for those of us who tried the X-Clamp replacement or other fixes, there was no way we could have known this was going to happen at any point, so broke the seal in an attempt to avoid MS's expensive repair bills - which will be reimbursed anyway.Does anybody know if broken seals are now covered?Broken warranty seal....
Not likely. They're not gonna risk repairing a console that could have been damaged by the user opening it. (just my guess)Broken warranty seal....
[QUOTE=''F4ll3n_1''] Does anybody know if broken seals are now covered?[/QUOTE]Microsoft will not repair any console that has been opened.
Why do you think they put a seal there??
It is so not fair. The warranty runs out ages ago..... so some people open it up out of curiosity, or to try fixes or in my case, just to clean it so it won't break. Now they extend the warranty. All I did was blow mine out and get the dust bunnies out, but now my new warranty is void...... god damn it.
[QUOTE=''Guster900'']It is so not fair. The warranty runs out ages ago..... so some people open it up out of curiosity, or to try fixes or in my case, just to clean it so it won't break. Now they extend the warranty. All I did was blow mine out and get the dust bunnies out, but now my new warranty is void...... god damn it.[/QUOTE]This is the point Im trying to make!Anyway, after calling their support line, they told me thats its more or less 50/50 considering the situation.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
everyone knows that once you open it there goes any chance of a warranty, ms wont even fix it if you pay for it they dont take back tampered with consoles. Always buy the extended warranty, especially on a unreliable system like the 360, i now have a 5 year warranty.
I have friends that have sent back their broken consoles with broken warranty seals and still have had their machines replaced with refurbished machines. This was in the UK so it may be different where you are.

Its a gamble but if the machine is already broken then you've got nothing to lose.
[QUOTE=''Suharar'']I have friends that have sent back their broken consoles with broken warranty seals and still have had their machines replaced with refurbished machines. This was in the UK so it may be different where you are. Its a gamble but if the machine is already broken then you've got nothing to lose.[/QUOTE]There may still be hope for me then. Go UK!
[QUOTE=''Guster900'']It is so not fair. The warranty runs out ages ago..... so some people open it up out of curiosity, or to try fixes or in my case, just to clean it so it won't break. Now they extend the warranty. All I did was blow mine out and get the dust bunnies out, but now my new warranty is void...... god damn it.[/QUOTE]The same s*** happened to me. I'm going to call them later but I doubt anything will come out of this.
Hey Everyone,

I'm just wondering if anyone has any new news of this? my xbox360 console doesn't start up and displays the 3 red rings, and it has been opened. so I'm curious of microsoft did accept the consoles for repair that have been opened? thanks!
[QUOTE=''Guster900'']It is so not fair. The warranty runs out ages ago..... so some people open it up out of curiosity, or to try fixes or in my case, just to clean it so it won't break. Now they extend the warranty. All I did was blow mine out and get the dust bunnies out, but now my new warranty is void...... god damn it.[/QUOTE]

It's also not fair that people open up their consoles and mod them so they don't have to buy games... Unfortunately you made a mistake and now have been hurt by a necessary policy. Since the seal is the only way for MS to protect themselves from people modding their consoles. You should have just used a can of compressed air to get the dust bunnies out, that is what I do.
Get a new sticker, they're easy to find. Just google it, you might even find one on ebay...
[QUOTE=''BigD'']You should have just used a can of compressed air to get the dust bunnies out, that is what I do. [/QUOTE]

Ummm, this is kind of wrong. Canned air works great, given that you have opened the case of whatever you're using it on. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing the dust out of the exhaust vents, and straight into your console. Ask any computer techie guy, and they'll tell you not to blow compressed air into your fan, or any other area. Instead, open the case and blow the dust OUT of the system... but anyways, sorry for the double post...

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