[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]Really disappointed with GRAW 2, Overate ...
Graw 1 was too frustratingly hard for me to even consider Graw 2 but I do like all the techie stuff so I cant totally diss it.
[QUOTE=''Squeets''][QUOTE=''fungusbogeyman'']I recently bought Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, and while initially really impressed by the graphics, I think that the game has toomany flaws to be enjoyable. Here's the beef I have with it:The HUD is too distracting, there is far too many 'techie' elements, i.e. when you aim at an enemy the word soldier or tank appears with a percentagechance of hitting them.The controls are nowhere near as fluid as the Call Of Duty or Rainbow Six Vegas series. The over the shoulder perspective, whilst it looks good,however does not work and just doesn't feel right.The multiplayer is also a big letdown, especially trying to find a game that you can join without a 20 minute wait.I know Gamespot gave it a 8.7, but surely these issues do not warrant such a high scoring??[/QUOTE]1. The game is titled GRAW which stands for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter... the ''techie'' HUD is supposed to mimic highly computerized and technologically advanced special forces of the United States...2. The controls are not meant to be like Call of Duty or Rainbow Six... GRAW is a tactical third person shooter... not a first person mindless run and gun shooter...3. Um... the MP takes 20 minutes to find a match because you are 2 years late... this was a big game in March 2007... it is April of 2009 if you didn't notice...4. Funny how you call them issues... they are all just idiotic opinions... you complain about the HUD being to futuristic in a game about futuristic warfare... you complain that the gameplay of a tactical shooter isn't fast enough... even though it isn't meant to be fast... and you complain about the MP taking a long time to find you a match even though you bought the game 2 years after its release, long after the community of the game moved on to other games... then you complain about the score gamespot gave the game in 2007 based on your own flawed opinions of the game in 2009...Just go away.[/QUOTE]
owned haha
Thank you Squeets for your lovingly crafted thoughful opinion.
I did not post my thoughts for someone obviously immature to call my personal opinions 'idiotic'.
I'm sorry but what the game creators class as technologically advanced, are obviously catering for the younger gaming audience and the HUD detracts from the gaming experience.
The fact that it was released in 2007 for the reason the multiplayer sucks, still does not stand as you can still buy this game in the shops and therefore
sub-standard multiplayer should not be an issue.
[QUOTE=''fungusbogeyman'']Thank you Squeets for your lovingly crafted thoughful opinion.
I did not post my thoughts for someone obviously immature to call my personal opinions 'idiotic'.
I'm sorry but what the game creators class as technologically advanced, are obviously catering for the younger gaming audience and the HUD detracts from the gaming experience.
The fact that it was released in 2007 for the reason the multiplayer sucks, still does not stand as you can still buy this game in the shops and therefore
sub-standard multiplayer should not be an issue.[/QUOTE]
what are u ever saying? it is still in shops therefor MP shouldnt be an issue? so your saying that games should only be sold as long as people are still playing the MP, once people stop they get rid of the game to stop non-thoughful buyers (like yourself) from purchasing the game.
and since when is an advanced HUD childish? what exactly are u basing that on? are u a child yourself?
Before I bought the game, a lot of online forums were stating that GRAW2 is one of the best multiplayer games for the 360. Based on this, I still expected
there to be a half decent online community.
The HUD assists the player too much in that it shows the position of the enemies once initially spotted, even when crouched or behind a wall. The cyan HUD border
is excessive and is not needed as a device to indicate that the game is meant to depict soldiers with advanced technologies.
I appreciate that it is not meant to be a run and gun game, however the controls still feel clunky and my opinions remain unchanged.
[QUOTE=''fungusbogeyman'']Thank you Squeets for your lovingly crafted thoughful opinion. I did not post my thoughts for someone obviously immature to call my personal opinions 'idiotic'. I'm sorry but what the game creators class as technologically advanced, are obviously catering for the younger gaming audience and the HUD detracts from the gaming experience. The fact that it was released in 2007 for the reason the multiplayer sucks, still does not stand as you can still buy this game in the shops and therefore sub-standard multiplayer should not be an issue.[/QUOTE]The fact that it is sold in stores means the MP should be good? How does that make any since at all...? The MP is based on REAL people playing it... Most of people that played the game in early 2007 have moved on to other games because there have been quite a few of them over the past 2 years... Do you live in a hole somewhere shut off from the world...? GRAW 2 isn't the only game with MP... it is old... old games are replaced by new games... people don't just buy 1 game and play it online forever... they buy a game, enjoy it, and then buy a new game and enjoy it... this game has been replaced many times over... there are a few people who are ''hardcore'' fans of the series and continue to play it... but the mainstream audience that enjoyed the game in 2007 has long since moved on...And how am I immatue? Have you even read your own post...? You think Gamespot is wrong in their score based on your ''idiotic'' opinions... yes IDIOTIC... the game is tactical... it is not ment to be fast... yet you complain about that... the game is meant to seem futuristic... yet you complain about that... you complain about the cluttered HUD and how unrealistic it is and how it is targeting children... Have you ever head of the ''Future Combat Systems'' program under the US Army? Maybe you SHOULD READ UP ON IT... GRAW is based on this program... and the technologies they are attempting to develope...Also... you may want to type/speak propper English before you insult someone and question their maturity...
[QUOTE=''fungusbogeyman'']Before I bought the game, a lot of online forums were stating that GRAW2 is one of the best multiplayer games for the 360. Based on this, I still expected there to be a half decent online community. The HUD assists the player too much in that it shows the position of the enemies once initially spotted, even when crouched or behind a wall. The cyan HUD border is excessive and is not needed as a device to indicate that the game is meant to depict soldiers with advanced technologies. I appreciate that it is not meant to be a run and gun game, however the controls still feel clunky and my opinions remain unchanged.[/QUOTE]Yes, it is a good game in their opinions... that doesn't mean it is fact... that fact that you believed that doesn't make the game bad... it makes you foolish...And the HUD is supposed to assist the player that way...
Also... have you ever even looked at the box for this game... adding to what I stated above and how they are attempting to represent advanced technologies and the eye piece/HUD that I mentioned... Mitchell is wearing that transparent cyan eye piece... the Cyan border around the HUD is meant to represent Mitchell's HUD and what Mitchell sees...
really i think he's just annoyed he didnt know anything about the game before he bought it, and was disappointed once he realised he was totally wrong
i agree ghost recon 2 sucks, sure the graphics are descent but the gameplay is weird and stiff and limited, and the main reason i kept dyeing is beacuse i stare at the hud and get shot in the head lol.the multiplayer is the worst part about it, its slow to move but its fast to die, you only get spawn killed. i spent 10 minutes downloading the update last year played it for 30 seconds and threw it out my window lol.
[QUOTE=''Getix-01'']i agree ghost recon 2 sucks, sure the graphics are descent but the gameplay is weird and stiff and limited, and the main reason i kept dyeing is beacuse i stare at the hud and get shot in the head lol.the multiplayer is the worst part about it, its slow to move but its fast to die, you only get spawn killed. i spent 10 minutes downloading the update last year played it for 30 seconds and threw it out my window lol.[/QUOTE]
so really your annoyed that you werent good at the game?
[QUOTE=''Squeets''][QUOTE=''fungusbogeyman'']I recently bought Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, and while initially really impressed by the graphics, I think that the game has toomany flaws to be enjoyable. Here's the beef I have with it:The HUD is too distracting, there is far too many 'techie' elements, i.e. when you aim at an enemy the word soldier or tank appears with a percentagechance of hitting them.The controls are nowhere near as fluid as the Call Of Duty or Rainbow Six Vegas series. The over the shoulder perspective, whilst it looks good,however does not work and just doesn't feel right.The multiplayer is also a big letdown, especially trying to find a game that you can join without a 20 minute wait.I know Gamespot gave it a 8.7, but surely these issues do not warrant such a high scoring??[/QUOTE]1. The game is titled GRAW which stands for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter... the ''techie'' HUD is supposed to mimic highly computerized and technologically advanced special forces of the United States...2. The controls are not meant to be like Call of Duty or Rainbow Six... GRAW is a tactical third person shooter... not a first person mindless run and gun shooter...3. Um... the MP takes 20 minutes to find a match because you are 2 years late... this was a big game in March 2007... it is April of 2009 if you didn't notice...4. Funny how you call them issues... they are all just idiotic opinions... you complain about the HUD being to futuristic in a game about futuristic warfare... you complain that the gameplay of a tactical shooter isn't fast enough... even though it isn't meant to be fast... and you complain about the MP taking a long time to find you a match even though you bought the game 2 years after its release, long after the community of the game moved on to other games... then you complain about the score gamespot gave the game in 2007 based on your own flawed opinions of the game in 2009...Just go away.[/QUOTE] Thumbs up for your post, his complaints are not valid, he is comparing the gameplay of TPS and FPS which you cannot do, whats the point of being called advanced warfighter if these 'techies' he speaks of dont exist.
I bought GRAW2 a few months ago because i respect the technical aspects of the game, you named cod, i agree with cod being great but it is missing the technical aspects being criticised.
[QUOTE=''chaoscougar1''][QUOTE=''fungusbogeyman'']Thank you Squeets for your lovingly crafted thoughful opinion.
I did not post my thoughts for someone obviously immature to call my personal opinions 'idiotic'.
I'm sorry but what the game creators class as technologically advanced, are obviously catering for the younger gaming audience and the HUD detracts from the gaming experience.
The fact that it was released in 2007 for the reason the multiplayer sucks, still does not stand as you can still buy this game in the shops and therefore
sub-standard multiplayer should not be an issue.[/QUOTE]
what are u ever saying? it is still in shops therefor MP shouldnt be an issue? so your saying that games should only be sold as long as people are still playing the MP, once people stop they get rid of the game to stop non-thoughful buyers (like yourself) from purchasing the game.
and since when is an advanced HUD childish? what exactly are u basing that on? are u a child yourself?[/QUOTE]
He wont answer that, because unless he admits he is wrong he cannot answer it.
Seriously, you must've skipped the tutorial because I'm sure you're told why you have all the ''techie'' stuff on your HUD. I myself had no problem with the game, the movement and controls are near perfect and the HUD never got in my way. Although the game may not be perfect with it being a tad too short, it's still a worthy sequel and still looks inpressive today, 2 years after its release.
It's great that you have your own opinion, but GRAW 2 is not overated... It's had a reasonable score on near every website you'll come across.
I love GRAW2, both single player and multiplayer. It reminds me of Socom, even with the ''clunkiness'' described previously. The only thing I don't like is having to bring up a weapons HUD to switch to grenades or switch your fire rate or to a grenade launcher.
I loved graw2, don't see anything wrong with it
[QUOTE=''chaoscougar1''][QUOTE=''Getix-01'']i agree ghost recon 2 sucks, sure the graphics are descent but the gameplay is weird and stiff and limited, and the main reason i kept dyeing is beacuse i stare at the hud and get shot in the head lol.the multiplayer is the worst part about it, its slow to move but its fast to die, you only get spawn killed. i spent 10 minutes downloading the update last year played it for 30 seconds and threw it out my window lol.[/QUOTE] so really your annoyed that you werent good at the game?[/QUOTE]i was good at it lol, once i cut out a shape in carboard to put over my tv to cover thestupid hud lol
[QUOTE=''Getix-01''][QUOTE=''chaoscougar1''][QUOTE=''Getix-01'']i agree ghost recon 2 sucks, sure the graphics are descent but the gameplay is weird and stiff and limited, and the main reason i kept dyeing is beacuse i stare at the hud and get shot in the head lol.the multiplayer is the worst part about it, its slow to move but its fast to die, you only get spawn killed. i spent 10 minutes downloading the update last year played it for 30 seconds and threw it out my window lol.[/QUOTE] so really your annoyed that you werent good at the game?[/QUOTE]i was good at it lol, once i cut out a shape in carboard to put over my tv to cover thestupid hud lol[/QUOTE]
wow the HUD isnt that big of a deal, the game is still very easyily playable with it, huge over reaction i think
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