Thursday, April 15, 2010

My new Jasper Scratched a Disc

I own a new Jasper (made sure after 4 replaced x-boxes). We have had it for 2 weeks.

Lo and behold it scratched a disc. I have had xboxes with faulty dvd/no video/red ring of death and I had heard of the scratching but figured they would have sorted that out in the new Japser.

I can confirm we didn't move it - we only pressed the eject button to insert the disc - and straight away it made a big noise. We took out the disc and it had a lovely ring scratch all around it.

We have it in a stable cabinet and after having had 4 xboxes we are VERY careful with it.

I honestly don't get it - MS insists this only happens if you move it but I have worked for and with PC hardware manufacturers for years with laptops and PCs and I have NEVER seen a PC or laptop scratch a disc like this even if they are moved while in operation.

I have only seen PC discs getting scratched when your 2yr old puts in more than 1?

So my question is - even if the xbox is moved (lets face it if you try to plug in a charging cord or bang something near it) why should it scratch the disc like that?

And yes before you make the comment - you should have bought a playstation instead of another xbox - well we already own heaps of games for the xbox and use it as a media center extender so its just not that easy to change once you are this far along.My new Jasper Scratched a Disc
sounds like you bumped it to me, no matter what it was PS3 or Xbox same thing would of sucks bad but i dont think u go start a lynch mob yet, it does suck but its the same with computers except computers are much bigger and take more force to bump.Chalk it up to bad luck because you could of bumped it the same way 20 times and it not happend but i dont think this is the disc scratching problem everyone else is talking about.hope it dont happen again or atleast u get lucky and have it come out scratch freeMy new Jasper Scratched a Disc
I've never had a game that got a ring scratch in my console yet...but someone returned one of my games with one, it's a good thing I ddin't want to play that game anymore... anyway, I don't know why the games scratch so often for people, moving the console around is no excuse,... is it the lens being too close to the disc that makes the scratch?
u must have pressed the eject button to hard. i know i do it and luckily all the times of doing it, the disc don't get scratched. a person moving the 360 while it's on it just says the disc is going to get scratched. One time me and my friends were playing halo 3. i had my xbox and my friend and his brother/another friend were on the same xbox on the same tv. it was my friend and i against his brother. i just said this is BS because we kept on dieing. so i pressed the power button really hard and it made a noise. i just o crap, hopefully halo is OK. the game didn't have a scratch on it.
3 games of mine have ring scratches.
I just have bought myself a Jasper too, but I hope something similar won't happen to me...For all those people saying that 'he must have pushed the eject button too hard'; that's really a lame excuse.. Normal dvd drives have small rubber cushions installed to prevent the disc touching the lens. For example the exact same Toshiba disc drive for PC does have the rubber pads, but the 360 one does not. Those things don't cost a thing. Even when multiplied by all the faulty consoles...IMO, the only reason MS didn't include those rubber pads yet is the fact that then they would basically admit that the original disc drive was not designed properly..Here's hoping I won't get scratched disks :?
I can 100% confirm it wasn't moved at the time of scratching. I injected the disc but it didn't start scratching it until about 10 seconds after it was injected so I wasn't touching the console at the time. You could tell because it made a terrible noise.

Regardless we have had 4 other xboxes over the last few years and moved or not none of those have ever scratched any discs. We have also had kids playing with it constantly - so if they were going to be scratched because of moving then it would have already occurred. I mean it is very easy to move the unit when plugging in the charging cable and how many people shutdown their game and the system to do that? Yeah Right!

Like I said I have worked with PCs for years - I worked for PC/laptop manufacturers and for some of that I was a technician and some running a production/testing environment - and I have seen tons of wierd things but I have never seen a disc scratched like that before. Believe you me - we moved plenty of computers while they were in operation ourselves and never had any issues - and yes I am referring to desktops and MT etc. We would often move them from horizontal to vertical while running the cds. I am talking thousands of systems here. If a small bump is all that is required to make a scratch like that then surely we would have seen it!

I think it must be a design fault on certain models. Obviously I can't rip this one apart and compare it to my older RROD unit which didn't scratch discs - though I would like to!

In all fairness after arguing with MS they say I can take it back for a straight swap for a new one from where I bought it (the unit is only 2 weeks old). They are also sending me out a replacment game free of charge. I am concerned though because obviously if I go back for a swap now the unit I get in replacement will almost certainly be from the same batch and therefore be subject to the same problem.
Why do I get the feeling that this is the only thread you will ever post in? I really don't likepeople that startnew accounts so that they can bash a console.I'll make a deal with you. Get your alternate account to 100 posts, then I will believe you. OK!
Geez get a life. I am not xbox bashing. I told you I already went through 4 but yet I just bought another one! Would I do that if I was just out to xbox bash? I made sure I had a 3rd party extra warranty though - because only 1 of my original 4 faulty xboxes had the RROD.

We LOVE our xbox360. It looks great at 1080p. I am dissapointed with all the issues though - our orignal xbox lastest 7 years without a hitch.

Someone on another thread asked if the Jasper had any problems with disc scratching - I couldn't post into that thread because it was locked so I started a new one.

I thought it would be interesting to people to know that the disc scratching problem does not apear to be solved.

I don't usually bother to post on game forums - because I don't spend all my life playing games. I just figured it was a community service to let people know that these problems still exist and no it is not just them and not their imagination.

For the record the build date on my faulty Jasper was 9th Jan 09.

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