Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting Ripped On

i have to say voice if they havea mic, especially if they are like 8 years old playing like gears 2.Getting Ripped On
Their voice... no one makes fun of skill unless they are a nerd... because bragging about being good at video games = nerdism...Getting Ripped On
Voice,skill,race,religion,and pretty much any reason to just annoy the person. I think it is pretty immature but what do you expect?
those little kids, that aren't even near old enough to play T games or just at that age lol well thats what i c most n wayz lol
Um....have you been online with other people in the last 20 years. You get made fun of for everything, my rule of thum: do unto other before they do unto you.
OMIGODYOUSUCKYOUKILLEDMEIHATEYOUThat's what annoys me, I hear more people that are HIGH skill getting ripped on than noobs.
when i say skill it doesnt really have to mean real good, it can mean u suck too.
The only time I argue with people or say mean things... is when someone does something extremely stupid... like I will be playing Socom Confrontation over on my PS3... the game will be demolition... some idiot will camp in the spawn the whole game be the last person alive until the enemy plants the bomb... then this idiot walks over to the wrong base...I just don't understand how people are that stupid... there is a big giant marker on your HUD with a huge arrow pointing at the plant site with big huge letters over it that say DEFUSE... yet these idiots completely ignore that... In those situations I either talk all kinds of *poop*... or I just convince everyone in the game that the player is worthless and we vote him out...
Well, in Halo, as in other games but Halo the most, after I completely destroy people they complain how I'm a BK (bad kid). So I don't know, I guess people are just making up for their lack of being able to say ''Good game.''
Anything that is different.
Mostly I rip on their gamertag.
Their Mamma's
[QUOTE=''dbrough77'']Mostly I rip on their gamertag.[/QUOTE]

I do this alot too...Seeing tose stupid names with XXXXXXXXXXXXX or 123456789 in the name piss me off...BE ORIGINAL! It is NOT that hard...
Gamertag without a doubt. I play with this kid on halo 3 (Kittenpuncher...) i won't say the whole name... but let's just say... girls don't exactly like his name... and for those of you like... awe poor cats... it has a totally different meaning.
Why rip in the first place? Are you that insecure? Just play and STFU.
[QUOTE=''cjchindig'']Gamertag without a doubt. I play with this kid on halo 3 (Kittenpuncher...) i won't say the whole name... but let's just say... girls don't exactly like his name... and for those of you like... awe poor cats... it has a totally different meaning.[/QUOTE]

'Girls'...On the internet...AHAHAHAHA...

But seriously, too many people with dumb gamertags...
Sometimes when I play L4D on my PC there are kids that sound liek they are 8 yrs old and they have really vulgar gamertags
i think people gets ripped on race the most,,like the ignorant ppl droppin the n bomb all over the place..nd ppl callin other kids jews..nd all those other racist names..i think its alll jusz stupid.
I usually only rip on someone if they are playing in a dumb way (like team killing) or if they are whining about everything! If you do those things while playing with me, I will most likely let you have it.
I hear people making fun of voices the most

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